Learn Javascript By Building Projects (for free!)

August 6, 2020

This week, I have just released a free, project based Javascript course.

Fun Javascript Projects.com!

The course is aimed at beginners, and currently included 6 projects to see how HTML, CSS and Javascript all fit together.

Although I do explain as we go, the intention is to just jump in and build things, to give beginners a portfolio of projects they can use, modify and reference in the future.

What will you build? Let's take a look.

Project 1- Quick Tip (tip calculator)

tip calculator image


Project 2- Running Tracker App

running tracker project


Project 3- Guess The Number Game

Guess the number game image


Project 4- Number Match Game

Number match game


Project 5- Photo Effects App

Photo effects image


Project 6- Music Player App

Music player image


This course is completely free, and the project can be taken at your own pace, in any order.

Hope you enjoy!